Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We are only Human.

What is the world coming to? Truth is whatever the world has become the hopes of it ever getting better in our life time are slim to none. There are not many people in this nation who know the difference between right and wrong. The only difference anyone really understands is right and necessary, which in most cases falls under whether benefits can be acquired from the necessary actions committed. These actions can be either wrong or right, but the action itself seems to always to be for greedy intentions. Humans are flawed in this sense; our need for self conservation clouds our judgments on morality. George Bush’s actions taken in Iraq are a perfect example of the differences between right and necessary. In Bush’s eyes he believe his decision was both right and necessary, but to who’s’ standards was the decision right or necessary. I don’t think I speak for myself when I say not mine. It was a decision made out of ignorance and with the lack of information I would say ulterior motives were probable cause.

In the article “IT’S COMING…” the author makes a reference to the concerns of the nation. The economy, the war, even the privacy of our own homes, all these are things that need to be dealt with, and it is the newly elected presidents job to take these into consideration. I have strong faith that Obama will do what is needed to re build our crumbling nation, and hopefully bring us back to our original glory before the Bush administration got their greedy hands in the cookie jar. As for the citizens, well not much can be expected from us. We are all just trying to make our way selfish or not we are only human.

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