Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Keep the Peace

A new era for America begins with the agreement of a security pact with Iraq. Many months of negotiations paying off with a signed agreement to pull troops out of Iraq buy 2011. It is hard to tell at the moment whether this move for the removal of troops over time is going to be able to be pulled off without a hitch. Many Iraqi extremist are protesting the arrangement stating that the troops should be pulled out “immediately”. On top of the protest, a U.S. Marine and soldier were shot during a humanitarian mission north of Baghdad. All of these unfortunate situations taking place during the time this security pact was in the process of being agreed on. It seems to me that it is going to be a difficult transition for the citizens of Iraq who loathe American presence in Iraq. These nationalist are pushing for a quicker removal then the agreement has in mind. These complications I believe may pose a threat to the safety of American soldiers during this transition.

As I view into my crystal ball I can see many more negotiations in the future, some explaining the actions of Iraq, and some explaining that of America. The world is at a brink of chaos, wars are being waged in other countries and we sit in our homes in luxury not knowing of the situation that awaits us in the real world. It would seem our leaders have their work cut out for them; funny thing is it always seems that most wars are waged to keep the peace how ironic.


Politics found everywhere! said...

In Micheal Weikman's Commentary on Keep the Peace I agree that it will be tough to lothe the presence of the U.S Soldiers from the eye of the Iraqi citizens for the next three years because as mention from one of the debates from Obama as I can remember. Obama did state the fact that, we were suppose to head into Afganistan not Iraq. And what did George W Bush do? He put his nose into other countries business, but then again Iraq did have a dictator (Sadam) who was terrorizing most of the abiding citizens. So therefore it was wrong of Bush to go to Iraq. However, Bush did one thing right and its that he expressed our country's willingness to help other countries when in need. Moreover, I do believe that it would take a while to pull the troops because as Micheal emphasized earlier"America just began an agreement of security pact with Iraq" meaning that the process has just begun and may take awhile. Furthermore, I do believe that troops won't be pulled out for a while because I heard that it would take a long time for the Americans to help restablish the government which is full of coruption going on.

US political events 2008 said...
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US political events 2008 said...

I completely agree with Michael Weikman's opinion about the American troop were risk at Iraq in his article "Keep the peace". He tells us about the signed agreement to pull troops out of Iraq by 2011; many Iraqi extremist want the troop out immediately; or U.S Marine and soldier were shot at Baghdad... These above evidences are also the reasons why a large of the Americans support the idea "let out troops out of Iraq" soonest. We know the war in Iraq has lengthened six years and we don't know when it will end until the agreement was signed. Over 4000 soldiers were killed in Iraq that made their families felt deep grief. Moreover, our country spent a lot of money for military and recovery in Iraq that contributes to our economic crisis at current time.
Michael gives us strong and sharp opinion about "the world is at a brink of chaos, wars are being waged in other countries and we sit in our homes in luxury not knowing of the situation that awaits us in the real world. It would seem our leaders have their work cut out for them;". Yep, we can see the conflict between Russia and Georgia; or the conflict between China, Taiwan and Vietnam that can make world wars happen again. And our leaders try to make negotiations to limit wars as such as limit death and money. I also agree with him at this point.
However, I have different opinion with him about the war in Iraq. I don't think there is irony of war was waged to keep peace because I still remember many unrestrained American people died in disaster 9/11 in 2001. Some persons like Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein,... want to control our world and kill many people. If we can not negotiate, war is the better way to control the bad countries and keep the peace for the other countries.