Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nation of Fools

The elections are close at hand and the candidates both seem to be in full war mode on each other. Both there negative ad campaign which in today’s society seems to be the only way to address the public with enough force to where the public will respond in shock or awe. These tactics are what work best and to be honest these tactics are the only methods that work well enough to get the people’s attention. It is sad to think… no, know that as a society we are blinded with mere commercials and picture ads to even know the truth about who is representing our nation. We rely heavily on what we see in commercials (which are mostly negative ads) to even know a candidates stand on the issues plaguing or society. Don’t get me wrong there are those out there that do their homework and know what’s going on but, for those who don’t it is they who really need to wake up and take a look around. The nation is not ran on hopes and dreams it is not a movie and it does not always end happily, and if they think their vote counts without any knowledge of what they are voting for they are severely mistaken. It is not difficult to put a check on a ballet, the difficulty lies in whether what you are checking is the right box or just an excuse to be able to say “Yeah I voted, too.” These people vote because it is what our society expects of them not because they really care of what they are voting for. I am not claiming to be an expert I don’t know if my theories are fact, I am just stating what I observe and believe whole heartedly. So, by all means jump on the voter’s bandwagon and vote, be sure to watch all your commercials and read all your negative campaign ads. That way when a political conversation does arise you can be like half the naïve Americans out there and know what little/distorted truth to discuss and be able to have that moment you dream of every night. The nation is at a peak of change do you really want to be left out of that transition if you are thinking no, then maybe you should read a little more about what is going on. Hopefully when voting time comes you will have enough information to make a educated choice and help pave the way for a better future.

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