Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does It End?

It seems that all the all the hassle with the economy’s financial downfall and the controversy over the bailout has made us forget the whole reason we are in this mess to begin with. The war overseas seem to be the last thing on candidates, it seems discussing each other’s faults is more important than addressing the real reason the economy is in state it is in. In Bankrupt and Belligerent, a post by Robert Fantina in the Counter Punch Blog, Robert discusses how the economic crisis, tragic as it is, has distracted us from the situation overseas and in my opinion (as well as many others) the reason for our nations crisis in the first place. Fantina exhales a lot of his frustration toward Bush’s actions the last eight years with a comparison of former presidents and their actions that were less then intelligent. After, Fantina begins discussing Mc Cain and how his views match that of the present and soon to be prior president Bush. According to Fantina Mc Cain’s insistence of a “win” in Iraq and clear “definition” of what is meant by “win” he entices his audience. The war’s end is long overdue; many Americans think this, as well as, the Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki, who agreed with Obama on the removal of troops within a 16 month “timeframe”. It is clear that the only outcome of this wars continuation will be more war. As Fantina would say the Secretary of Defense seems to be an inappropriate name for the position the U.S is always in, which is of course offense.

I agree with Fantina this war book needs to be closed and we should cut our losses. There was nothing to be gained by this war, and still nothing to gain so why continue? Mc Cain says the U.S needs a win, and then what? We establish ourselves are a military super power and a poor nation all in eight years. Like Fantina I agree with the sight of a clear win for Obama, but gods forbid every U.S. citizen catches the cold and is unable to make it to the polls while that one crazy Mc Cain fan is the only voter who doesn’t get sick. Well, hopefully Canada isn’t too cold.

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