Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sexist Humor?

McCain's Campaign bashes SNL's (Saturday Night Live) views of Palin in regards to their season premier episode. The episode featuring 30 Rock star, Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, and SNL, Amy Poehle as Hilary Clintin, depicts the Republican running mate, and the former democratic runner in a hilarious stern vs. ditzy skit. Sarah is portrayed as a "superficial" woman, while Hilary is portrayed as the opposite. McCain's campaign argues that the sketch "satirized" Palin's "religous beliefs," and "foreign policy". Also, they state that though her views are not as similar as Hilarys', it does not mean she lacks "substance". Palin, on the other hand, found the sketch to be rather funny and stated that she once dressed as Tina Fey for Halloween, according to Palin's spokesperson, Tracey Schmitt. If you wish to read the article, it can be found here.
I believe this article is worth reading because it shows how the media can "stir" up a campaign. This seemingly innocent sketch of two politicians brings words like "sexist" to the table, when I believe it was all for the sake of the audience. I mean, who doesn't like a good laugh? If you wish to view the video, the following link will take you to a media player that will play the skit: Saturday Night Live.